It takes a special skill set, not quickly or easily obtainable, to successfully do warbler
photography. Our goal is to help you achieve top-notch warbler photography as we
guide you along your journey. Gene’s job is to use his years of experience to locate the
warblers you desire to photograph and to maximize your chances of taking home
treasured compositions. Time in the field with Gene can also serve as a way to up your
game considerably so you can venture out to find and photograph your own warblers
more effectively.

Gene Koziara
Gene is passionate about warbler photography and has spent considerable time in the field with camera over the last 10 years, primarily working with warblers from the end of March through late fall. Over that time Gene has learned a lot about warbler photography and has made many modifications on his approach to it.
Gene has photographed all 37 eastern warblers, most of them also on breeding grounds, from Georgia to several Canadian provinces. He knows where to go to find each targeted species, when to go to maximize composition opportunities, and how to locate them by habitat and song. READ MORE
"He truly cares for these birds."
Dr. Geno's knowledge and passion for warblers and photographing them is among the best I've seen. His ability to teach warbler photography is truly phenomenal. He can tell the exact time of the seasons based on the onset of the warbler migration. He has an uncanny ability to identify each of the species of warblers from among the dozens of sounds that one hears as a medley of songs in the woods.